Saturday, August 25, 2007

Carole Janson Layout Class...

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We did it, We did it oh yea yea yea (in my best Dory singing voice)

Scrap Therapy held its first class lastnight! It was a blast!

The Layout and class kit was designed by our wonderfully talented DT member Carole Janson!

There was lots of chat and scrapping! DebMK only just survived a vicious attack from her plastic chair.

I have to say the scrap girls were my best online class participants EVER...ok well they were also my first but its still the truth :D

I can't wait to check out the gallery and see how the class layouts turned out...

Stay tuned many more classes to come!

Thanks Carole!



Belinda Venables said...

I am soooo happy that it went well Nat. I just wish i could have been time! Only more yummy classes to come I'm exciting!

Narelle said...

It was an awesome class! The kit and LO Carole designed were fantastic and Nat did a really good job hosting the class and putting up with us all!

angie said...

it was a totally fantastic class nat! i can't wait to partake in the next one! also kudos to carole - great kit!