Monday, October 1, 2007

Fun with texture paste by Julie

I love adding texture to my scrapbook pages and one of the ways I have done it is by using texture paste.

On my Desire page below

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I added a squirt or two of paint to the white texture paste and mixed it with a pop stick till I got the colour I wanted. I then spread it over a large foam stamp with a pop stick and stamped it onto the photo.

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Another way I have used texture paste was to apply it straight to the layout using the popstick, to look like grass. I would have put up a photo of the whole page I did for this but seeing as I did it for a circle journal entry which is still circling I won’t just incase I spoil the surprise for anyone in the group who may get my circle journal next.

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When I mixed up the paste for both pages I found out I had a bit left over so have some paper handy to stamp up more images that can be used later and as the paste will most probably dry hard it would need to be washed of as soon as possible.

So grab some paint, texture paste and some foam stamps and have a play adding texture to your next project.



Belinda Venables said...

Looks fabulous Julie!
You've inspired me..xx

Narelle said...

narelleriley@Awesome Julie! I have some texture paste here that I used once! Must get it out again!

Julie said...

thanks girls glad I have inspired you to pull it out again.